Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Benefits of Indexation

Do you know the benefits of indexation? Indexation brings a lot of advantages to all the stakeholders. The advantages can be in the form of better management of the investment portfolio, etc. For availing the services of indexation, various Index Calculation needs to be done. These calculations are done by the Index Calculation Agent. There is an impelling need for these agents nowadays due to hefty investment amounts involved. There are various kinds of investments involved. They are Fixed- income investments, Term- investments, etc. 

Index Calculation Agents like S&P calculate and publish the level of the index. By taking the help of these, an efficient and high-quality solution is provided to the clients. The good thing is that the Index Calculations are done on a real-time basis. These agents also look for maintaining the level of the index and at the same administering them and finally data is available for public dissemination.


The index calculations are mostly found by Current year sales/ previous year sales. By effectively using this ratio, you find or get the current financial position. Various kinds of weights are assigned to the values. The best part is that we are able to find the current market price or value. 

When we are using these index calculations, we can come to know about the variation in stocks. One can also track their investment portfolios on a regular basis. Mostly, the benefits of Indexation are available on a long term basis, which needs time.


Thematic Investing derives its name from something that is based on a theme. So, all the investments under it have a common theme. Within the theme, different investments can have a different nature. Basically, in this investing, the macro-level trends are identified and on this basis only, the investments follow and perform. Thematic Investing is very wide, it’s spread is in all sectors. The only prerequisite is the high risk-taking ability of the investor.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

A Guide To Indexed World

The indexed world works very dynamically. It includes various participants or players called Index Providers in it. There are various services provided like Index Services, which is independent and objective in nature. Under this, a number of services like design support, custom findings, fixed income services are covered.

These services cater to the needs of the index market. They also meet the regulatory changes and work as per the standards set for various kinds of investment. It also includes multi-asset calculations, OTC Valuations, etc. It is also focused to be cost-effective, wherein the additional cost of IT development is minimized so as to be effective. There is also a provision of extensive index data coverage and Index Maintenance.

Types of services included

  • Fixed income services- for knowing the global bond markets with various bond indices.
  • Structured product Indices- for knowing about mortgage-backed securities market, etc.
  • Credit Default swap indices- covers various economies and finds their mortgage securities.
  • Equity indices- covers various liquid equity indices.
  • ESG indices- uses various indices for tracking carbon credits markets.

More about indexation

There are various Index Providers like S&P, BLOOMBERG, etc. They are very useful in trading. They calculate various stock and other indices. There work is to find the current indices and then they compare various prices to find any deviations. There work also include to forward the updated information to the general public. You can also contact them if you want some financial advice on various financial instruments or Index Services. There is a basket of securities, which you can choose and make your portfolio. One should try to make his portfolio as diversified as possible. Because in current times, if you go with only one kind of securities, then you are bound to suffer. So, it is advised to go for Index Maintenance services from time to time for doing away with the market fluctuations.

Monday, 4 May 2020

Sorting Indices in The Game of Investments

Company investments have a whole lot more to look out for when investing in stocks or others. The process is different from investments operated by an individual. Company investments are more cryptic and need to have a secure and extremely detailed portfolio and other documents to keep up with. Therefore, due to the complexity of company investments, one should familiarise themselves with terms and aids that will help them understand and control the investment market. After all, you would want to reap the profitable benefits of investing funds in various fund creating asset opportunities.

Understanding the process of investing through indices

You must be familiar with the concept of an index in terms of finance, which essentially refers to the measurement of the change in a market dealing with securities.  Financial markets employ market indices that contain a speculative portfolio of securities that represent a specific market, or at least a part of it. There are quite a number of indices that you can use. The Blockchain Index was created as a tracker that would track the progress and presence of a company’s investment. The Blockchain Index is a helpful guide that will give you a detailed report of companies that are presently investing, using, building, or have products that will reap the benefits of blockchain technology. The Robotics Index helps to reduce the risk of loss by limiting the dependence on the bigger fish, the largest cap-players. It is structured to focus on the rapid development of robotics and automation sequencing in companies around the world. You could also spend time learning how Artificial Intelligence Indices are a whole game changer. 

Study the market

Before you rush off to invest your money, you should learn about the process. Assess the risks and benefits prior to investing. The market is very volatile, so you should be aware that you can lose your money as fast as you can make a profit off of it. Speak to agents and investment agencies, learn the market and its organic nature, read up on how Artificial Intelligence Indices and the Robotics Index are helping in this course of action, and start small and secure to earn back an assured profit.

Saturday, 2 May 2020

The Best Way to Capitalise On Investments Without Losing

Investing is a wonderfully easy way to grow your money without having to lift a finger. You can opt for various modes of investments -- through bonds, deposit certificates, gold bars, stocks, etc. The basic principle is to increase your money over time, and once you reap the benefits, you can invest that money again to make another fortune. However, there are certain risks to investing funds, and if you are not careful about the market or keep a careful eye on what you’re investing, you may just end up losing all your money.

Maintaining indices - an important part of investments

There are some important terms that you must be aware of when you are investing your money to get profitable returns. If you want a solution custom made for your needs and investment strategies, you could read up on and explore the option of the Custom Index. A Custom Index will give you the opportunity to curate an entirely new index based on your specific needs and requirements or make changes to the already existing index. Building such an index is a very easy task, and you can build an index that will provide you with reliable data and calculations, as well as broad coverage. Another technique you could employ is Smart Beta Indices. These indices use advanced index strategy to profit from certain performing factors that will essentially outperform a benchmark index. 

Figure out your needs and requirements

The most important factor in creating an investment strategy is to focus on Index Development. These criteria will help you procure investing solutions according to your needs and requirements. Essentially, you need to select options that should measure what it intends to, and fulfils your requirement. Choose options like Smart Beta Indices or Index Development that will help in your investment plans.