Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Benefits of Indexation

Do you know the benefits of indexation? Indexation brings a lot of advantages to all the stakeholders. The advantages can be in the form of better management of the investment portfolio, etc. For availing the services of indexation, various Index Calculation needs to be done. These calculations are done by the Index Calculation Agent. There is an impelling need for these agents nowadays due to hefty investment amounts involved. There are various kinds of investments involved. They are Fixed- income investments, Term- investments, etc. 

Index Calculation Agents like S&P calculate and publish the level of the index. By taking the help of these, an efficient and high-quality solution is provided to the clients. The good thing is that the Index Calculations are done on a real-time basis. These agents also look for maintaining the level of the index and at the same administering them and finally data is available for public dissemination.


The index calculations are mostly found by Current year sales/ previous year sales. By effectively using this ratio, you find or get the current financial position. Various kinds of weights are assigned to the values. The best part is that we are able to find the current market price or value. 

When we are using these index calculations, we can come to know about the variation in stocks. One can also track their investment portfolios on a regular basis. Mostly, the benefits of Indexation are available on a long term basis, which needs time.


Thematic Investing derives its name from something that is based on a theme. So, all the investments under it have a common theme. Within the theme, different investments can have a different nature. Basically, in this investing, the macro-level trends are identified and on this basis only, the investments follow and perform. Thematic Investing is very wide, it’s spread is in all sectors. The only prerequisite is the high risk-taking ability of the investor.

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